Every day people just like you are making money in the field of aviation. I wanted to answer these questions so you will have a clear understanding about airplane mechanics and aviation. They figure "hey, this will make me money" and they go into work and they do their job and they go home and they don't even want to think about a plane afterwards, let alone look at one. If you dont know if youd like to be an aircraft mechanic then read this book! Some of these include knowing your purpose, thinking beyond what aviation colleges want you to think, and knowing who you are in order to know if this career is right for you. This does not mean that you cannot have a good career working in aviation, it means that greedy corporations in aviation are no different than greedy corporations in any other field. This is the best book about working as an aircraft mechanic that I have read. REALLY? The methods the author gives to skip college and get to the career probably saved me $1,000 of dollars. The aircraft mechanic has just about everything I hoped it would have. His career started when he was just a teenager when he first began his long journey as an aircraft mechanic. All I can say is that I was NOT expecting to learn as much as I did. After sitting down with the book for a couple of hours I quickly realized that its exactly what it says it is. They want to know that they accomplished something. Other than those minor gripes, the information is pretty solid. need for aircraft mechanics over the next 20 years. I admit that I don't know anything about aviation or airplanes or helicopters, but I like to work with my hands and am very mechanically inclined. Stan Kings story put me right in the mind of actually working as a mechanic and being into the situations he was describing. The Pros and Cons of Training to Become an Aircraft Mechanic, There are a vast range of potential professional paths for anyone who is interested in becoming involved in the aviation industry. So why become an aircraft mechanic? There are also many opportunities to travel as an aircraft mechanic, since many airlines have mechanics based all over the world. You won't be disappointed and you're gonna need it. I think Stan king did a great job discussing the career. I particularly liked the description of how the aviation maintenance industry works, and how it effects your career. The mechanic is a maintenance technician certificated by the FAA based on personal knowledge gained through training and experience, which is demonstrated via successful completion of written, oral, and practical tests. These professionals make an average of $67,153 per year. my fathers friend recommended this book to me after we started talking and I told him I was thinking about going to school for my ap license. This video about getting the A&P license was good because it actually shows you real aircraft mechanics working in hangars and on different kinds of jets. var year=mydate.getYear() If you like me and thinking about going to school for aircraft maintenance, read this book first. After reading that kind of basic information online over and over The Aircraft Mechanic was a fresh sight. For anyone who wants to pursue this career this book is a must read. CLASSES STARTING SOON. Luckily I found this book online a few weeks ago and it has been really helpful. I can tell you what you want to know. There just arent that many books out there about this career. I dont no anything about working on airplanes so I got this book to help me figure out everything. Workers musttake precautions against injuries, such as wearing ear protection and brightly colored vests to ensure that they are seen when working around large aircraft. Most aircraft mechanics can make a lot of money compared to some careers, but only if the right steps are taken. Prepare yourself. The mechanics are also responsible for keeping the aircraft in good working order so that it can be used safely. Aircraft Mechanic. The author doesn't sugar coat anything about working as an aircraft mechanic, and I'm still trying to decide if it's the right career for me. The amount of information detailed inside, along with plenty of topics makes this an ideal handbook to read. Part of my skepticism was the "truth about working in aviation" banner on the front cover. for the FAA's written, oral, and practical tests. In other words, I didnt know anything about this career. if (year < 1000) year+=1900 There are many reasons to become an aircraft mechanic. The book is also easy to follow. As King says "There's more to being an aircraft mechanic than all the money that can be made". The hours can also be long and irregular. It can also be mentally challenging, as you need to be able to troubleshoot complex problems quickly and effectively. Is being an aircraft mechanic worth it? In this video, we interview one of our many talented mechanics, Amanda Crager, and ask her what it's like being an aircraft mechanic. The book does show you how to get into the career without having any experience and with just a basic set of tools. The requirements are prescribed in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 65, Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers, Subpart D - Mechanics. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I had already decided to go to an A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) school to get my A&P license and become an aircraft mechanic, but luckily I found The Aircraft Mechanic book before I signed up. I ordered the aircraft mechanic after reading all of the comments and reviews from A&P instructors. Also the chapter about contracting as an a/c mech was very helpful. I have to say, its a damn good read. I was originally skeptical when I ordered my copy of The Aircraft Mechanic. 11.1% aircraft mechanics have this skill on their resume. They also must be able to lift heavy objects and be comfortable working in cramped spaces. jQuery(".inland-phone").show(); My instructor in my A&P course is mostly using the last half of the book where the author talks about the dangers of the career and the positives and negatives. There are a vast range of potential professional paths for anyone who is interested in becoming involved in the aviation industry. They may work on scaffolds or ladders, and noise and vibrations are common, especially when engines are being tested. CLASSES STARTING SOON. Most quit because they didn't like the job for one reason or another. All I can say is thank you Mr. King for helping me through a tough decision. After I read it, my first thought was that I have never seen another book like it. A Good Aircraft Mechanic Always Communicates One of the biggest aspects of the aviation maintenance industry is communication. You will like this book if you are thinking about being an aircraft mechanic. In fact every time I try to take something apart I usually end up breaking it or making it worse. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of V96.8 - other international versions of ICD-10 V96.8 may differ. Many times you don't, and there are other ways you can get the necessary training you need to advance in the career. This means youdon'tnecessarily have to be a mechanic on someone's stafffor your entire career. If you asked me to recommend to you the single best book about aircraft maintenance my answer would be a very definite "The Aircraft Mechanic". There are many factors to consider whenthinking about training tobecomeanaircraft mechanic. The job outlook for aircraft mechanics is positive, with a projected 6% growth in employment from 2018 to 2028. The book and all the stuff that comes with it is to show you exactly what it takes to become an aircraft mechanic and what it's like working as an aircraft mechanic, nothing less nothing more. A mechanic who holds an A&P License is certified to inspect, perform, or supervise maintenance of aircraft and aircraft systems. I am the creator of The Aircraft Mechanic materials. Some of the chapters include "Positives & Negatives" "The A&P License" "Choosing The Career" and "Pay Scales". If you want to have a high-paying, enjoyable career in the field of aviation maintenance you have to go way beyond what the schools and maintenance companies will ever tell you. My name is Stan King. EMT testimony received November 10th, 2017. Would be a great book for anyone who like me is wanting to get into the aviation industry or just wanting to know how the aviation maintenance industry works. The only downside is that it could have been longer. When training in anFAA approvedAMT program,youlllearn about the following topics: At the end of an AMT program that meets the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) requirements (established in Title 14, Part 147), you will bepreparedfor the FAA's written, oral, and practical tests. if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym To help you estimate that pay, you can use thebottom 10thpercentilefrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Pilot in training, - Q. Badanikai, India He also discusses how others can become mechanics and what they can expect to go through. I had no idea you can become a mechanic without the military or going to college but you can. No two days as an aircraft mechanic are ever the same, thanks to the variety of tasks that need to be performed on any given day. ), how to keep the cockpit safe and how to restrain . Some good examples are the chapters about choosing the career, the A&P License, the dangers of the career, the seriousness of the career, and the chapter about the salary of an aircraft mechanic. If you don't want to know the dirty secrets about working in aviation, then don't read this book. Don't take a chance in aviation without knowing all of the details provided in The Aircraft Mechanic. I Hate Being An Aircraft Mechanic. This book would be great just for someone that is thinking about going to an aircraft mechanic school. Its dirty, dangerous work that requires long hours and a lot of physical labor. jQuery(".los-phone").show(); Most had been pulled in by a college or technical school, and they thought that the career would be much different than it actually is. It is important to be physically fit and have good stamina if you want to succeed in this career. A&P Instructor, - Darryl Murtaugh If a person goes to college and gets a degree, they want that degree to mean something. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("international-brotherhood-of-teamsters") > -1) { Sincetraining to bean aviation mechanic directly involvesthe airworthiness of the aircraft,there are certain requirements thatneed to be met beforebeing eligible for the FAA certification. Ive been a mechanic for almost 7 years and even I learned a few things, which surprised me. Certification requirements for taking and passing certification examinations are not controlled by the College, but by outside agencies and are subject to change by the agencies without notice to the College. And using this book as a general guide really helps! The main thing I was worried about was being a girl because I knew their are not that many where my cousin works. One reason to considertraining to become an aircraft mechanic can be found in Boeings recentPilot and Technician Outlook 2020-2039study. All jet mechanics are first certified as AMTs or A&P mechanics. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("los-angeles") > -1) { When I first got this book on my birthday from my dad I didnt really get into it. After learning what it's like to be a new a/c mechanic and how the industry works, the book then goes into a lot of detail about what it's like working as an a/c mechanic. The problem is it costs a lot of money even for a little community college and I just dont have that kind of money and I dont want to have student loans. I'm 20 years old and started my training as an aircraft mechanic within two months after reading The Aircraft Mechanic. If you really think you are ready to be an aircraft mechanic get this book and watch the video. Aircraft mechanicsknow the ins-and-outs of airplanes, how they work, how to repair them, and how to check for safety standards. Read this before you go to school to be an aircraft mechanic, Perfect Resource If Youre Thinking About This Career, Great book if you thinking about getting into this. Being an aircraft mechanic, I can totally relate to the author Stan king when he says that people always ask him questions about working in aviation. After all, according to arecent study by Boeing, there will be a significant need for newaircraft mechanics andaircraft maintenance technicians in the next two decades. I'm just trying to help you make the right decision about your future. I bought this book in the summer of 2012. There are a few drawbacks to consider if you want to pursue, . Aircraft mechanics have high earning potential in their jobs. Upon completion of the program, there is an FAA oral exam and an FAA practical exam. Here are five reasons why aircraft mechanic could be the right career for you: 1. The third most common is faa on 5.4% of resumes. A&P Mechanic. CALL US TODAY: 310-579-9434, FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION. Even though the colleges will never tell you this, you might not need a license to work on airplanes. There was quite a bit of information about this industry and how to make the most money. From training to be a pilot to becoming an, electronics technician, there are countless ways that a person can become involved with aeronautics. This book is the only original book I could find that's aimed at people like me who want to learn about the career. The book and video lays all of the steps out and they were easy to follow, so hopfeully I can get my A&P soon and start working as an A&P mechanic. The bottom line is that the stuff he teaches you works like the different ways you can become an aircraft mechanic in the free A&P license video. Aircraft maintenance is not for everyone. I want you to know the truth about this career. The following are some pros of, training to become an aircraft mechanic can be found in Boeings recent. That is why I reserve the right to increase this price at any time. Buy this book before you even think of becoming a mechanic. receive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. } else { In the video you get to see aircraft mechanics in work and it is really informative. **Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology does not guarantee third-party certifications. I talk about the toxic and unsafe culture that aircraft mechanics REALLY deal with. They know that most of these mechanics don't have a clue about the real world of aviation maintenance, because the colleges don't tell them about it. I bought this book to get a free A&P certificate. An A&P license is what the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) issues to people who are trained to be aircraft mechanics. Its a challenging job that demands a lot of skill and knowledge, and I take pride in doing it well. I just turned 19 and I really didn't know anything about the career. ircraft mechanics and technicians often lift heavy objects, handle dangerous chemicals, or operate large power tools. keep that in mind when considering training for this line of work. I have read a lot of articles and blogs about aircraft mechanics without much luck finding any useful info. Because I love flying. They are responsible for repairing metal, fabric, wood, or composite materials that make up a plane's airframe and skin. The Best Tupperware Canister Sets on the Market. Therefore, the College cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take certification examinations, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment. Aircraft mechanics must have a strong understanding of how aircrafts work. Can you become an aircraft mechanic? Many mechanics are around heavy equipment. Also, they may spend long amounts of time bent over or lying on. What you need to know to become an aircraft mechanic. If you can live on a minimum wage job. Putting in the Hours. On the pro side, aircraft mechanics are in high demand and can earn a good wage. I want you to have a good-paying, enjoyable career. . The rest of the book deals with what its like actually working as a mechanic in this career. Ultimately, that decision is up to you. Of course, like any career, there are also some downsides to being an aircraft mechanic. There is little to no risk in doing the work itself. The information is neatly organized and it makes it easy to locate the information you are after. 4.5 stars due to some terminology explanations I thought could have been worded better, so 5 stars with rounding. You must read this book before paying to go to college because you will save a lot of money. As a professional working in aviation, I heard things like this almost every day. Read this book if youre thinking about getting your A&P, it will help you get started. You will know more about the field of aircraft maintenance than a lot of people already working in the industry. Negatives: I wish it would have been longer, even though there's tons of info in the book. I wish the book would have an interview with a woman whos an aircraft mechanic. Expand All Collapse All General Information Requirements Testing Training & Experience Pathways There were nearly ninety million airplane departures in 2016 and it is estimated that by. You shouldn't have any questions after reading this book because this book will answer all of the questions you have. Using this book I was able to find a program at an MRO in Georgia (where I live). All they know is that they trust their lives to these complex machines that cost millions of dollars. An aircraft mechanic is responsible for maintaining and repairing airplanes and helicopters. Workers musttake precautions against injuries, such as wearing ear protection and brightly colored vests to ensure that they are seen when working around large aircraft.. The chapter about the A&P license is worth the price of the book alone. Sincetraining to bean aviation mechanic directly involvesthe airworthiness of the aircraft,there are certain requirements thatneed to be met beforebeing eligible for the FAA certification. This book is called the "truth about working in aviation" - if you like airplanes or helicopters and want to work on them pick this book up now! The author tells you exactly how to become a mechanic without having a degree or license. After all, becoming an aircraft mechanic takes time and money. Upon completion of the program, to work in some positions or for some employers,students may be required to passFAA certification examsin order toreceive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. I got this gift from my girlfriend for my birthday and it was probably the best gift I could have gotten. Did you know an A&P License can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 or more..? This book is great for those who are in the process of choosing career path. I'm going to try and describe the book without making this review super long.