Consequently, they refuse all ecumenical relations with other religious denominations. Witnesses reject the Trinity doctrine . This article is about Jehovah's Witnesses' core beliefs. Rather than placing faith in Jesus for salvation, Jehovahs Witnesses believe you have to work for salvation by doing good deeds, being involved with Kingdom Hall, and obeying the rules of Kingdom Hall. All rights reserved. (Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:12) In order to settle the moral issues raised by Satan, God has allowed evil and suffering, but He will not permit them to continue forever. Our organization. The Jehovah's Witness beliefs about God are outlined in detail below. What Do I Need to Know about the Anglican Church? And they claim to have support for their views in the Bible. [72] Jehovah's Witnesses base all of their beliefs on the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body.[73]. What do Jehovah Witnesses believe and not believe? [31] However, the Governing Body disclaims infallibility and divine inspiration. The U.S. government sent Rutherford and other Watchtower leaders to prison for sedition during World War I. [101], The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society used the Cross and Crown symbol on tombstones, and on its publications until 1931. Beliefs and Practices . These began when one of Gods angels rebelled. [77] The name is a common modern Latinized form of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, or four-letter name, transliterated as YHWH. Jehovah's Witnesses use a Bible translation called the New World Translation. explains, " [W]e take Jesus at his word when he said: 'The Father is greater than I am.' Photo courtesy: Thinkstock/NexTser, There are reportedly 8.3 million Jehovah's Witnesses around the world and nearly 120,000 congregations. [92] Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Archangel Michael, "the Word" of John 1:1, and wisdom personified in Proverbs 8 refer to Jesus in his pre-human existence and that he resumed these identities after his ascension to heaven following his death and resurrection. Yet again, this is another wrong belief being taught by Jehovahs Witnesses. Deliverance from sin and death is possible through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. In the mind of Jehovahs Witnesses, there is not a Trinity. (Matthew 20:28; Acts 5:31) Thus, we are Christians. [12], Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are established by their Governing Body, which Witnesses are taught Jesus uses as a channel for God's progressive revelations and to direct Christians on biblical matters. Death. Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, 1993. They teach that Jesus was created by God and not coexistent wth Him. Here are 10 facts about this group which branched off from orthodox Christianity in the late 1800's. We answer the questions of how they started, what their core beliefs are, and how many people ascribe to this faith in the world today. [164], Watch Tower Society publications teach that Jesus Christ began to rule in heaven invisibly as king in October 1914. [110], Writers including James Beckford and former members James Penton and Barbara Grizzuti Harrison have stated that Jehovah's Witnesses' have a fear of demons, which Penton says is "sometimes so extreme that it becomes quite superstitious". (Luke 11:13) The Bible also compares Gods spirit to water and associates it with such things as faith and knowledge. Do Jehovahs Witnesses Have Their Own Bible. [136] They reason that complete destruction does not allow for literal "torture" of the wicked, as the deceased person is not conscious. The Holy Spirit is the name of Gods active force in the world. The BBC reports that Witnesses believe the end times began in 1914. In addition to all of these things, the Holy Spirit can do things that a person can do such as giving commands (Acts 8:29), interceding for others (Romans 8:26), teaching (John 14:26), and testifying of the Father (John 15:26). Jehovah's Witnesses also believe that Armageddon is coming very soon. [111][112][113][114] Watch Tower Society publications state that Witnesses need not harbor dread or superstitious fear of demons, because their power over humans is limited. This article summarizes our basic beliefs. Ex . Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. Because Jehovah's Witnesses is the only true religion, anyone not part of this society is just another cog in Satan's scheme. Jehovah's Witnesses don't say "god bless you" when someone sneezes, because that practice supposedly has a pagan origin. They believe having faith in Jesus means believing in Him, but they do not see Him as being sufficient to give them salvation. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Jehovah's Witnesses started in 1870 when a man named Charles Taze Russell led Bible studies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They believe that Jesus can be called a deity or a god, but only in the sense that an angel can be thus called. A significant underpinning belief of Jehovah's Witnesses is that Jesus' heavenly rule (or "heavenly Kingdom power") began in 1914. They use the terms Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures rather than Old and New Testament to avoid implication that the Old Testament is outdated or inferior. (Acts 11:26) However, we have learned from the Bible that Jesus is not Almighty God and that there is no Scriptural basis for the Trinity doctrine.John 14:28. According to The Watchtower, "the Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones. [194] However, Jehovah's Witness doctrines provide no method for members to terminate membership and remain in good standing. [202] They are described as "anti-God" and doomed to destruction. They continue to face persecution in several countries, however, particularly for their refusal to serve in the military, and they are often publicly derided for their door-to-door evangelism. Jehovahs Witnesses try to claim that they are Christians, but they are not. Matthew 28:19-20 says, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. They do not salute the flag of any nation, believing it an act of false worship; they refuse to perform military service; and they do not participate in public elections. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are God. In 1876, Russell encountered Nelson H. Barbour; later that year, they together produced the book Three Worlds, which combined restitution views with end-time prophecy. [35], The leadership makes no provision for members to criticize or contribute to official teachings. We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name is Jehovah. [93] His birth on earth was accomplished when he willingly allowed himself to be transferred, by God, from heaven to the womb of the virgin, Mary. [159] Those of the "other sheep" who die faithful to God will receive the "resurrection of the righteous" ("just" KJV) mentioned at Acts 24:15. [187][188] This judgment will be based on their actions after resurrection rather than past deeds. "When a person dies, he ceases to exist. A select few (144,000) of Christ's most faithful followers will be chosen to rule alongside him. In today's blog post, we are going to go over the medical restrictions among Jehovah's Witnesses. Hell is a real place. Evil and suffering. Three points in particular make the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures worthy to include in your studies. We follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and honor him as our Savior and as the Son of God. [217] According to Carrie S. Ingersoll-Wood, "By eliminating access to external knowledge, the congregation as a whole surrenders autonomy and willingly subjects themselves and their children to the external regulation of the religion. The leaders of some mainstream Christian churches have denounced the Witnesses for doctrinal deviation (especially their non-Trinitarian teachings) and have condemned them as a cult.. The issue is said to be whether God can rightfully claim to be sovereign of the universe. Now, try the right place. If any Jehovah's Witness is deemed to be an apostate, she or he will be disfellowshipped. [105][109] Witnesses believe that Satan and his demons influence individuals, organizations and nations, and that they are the cause of human suffering. [204], Apostates are said to have become part of the antichrist and are regarded as more reprehensible than non-Witnesses. They believe that Jesus Christ is St. Michael the archangel. 1. The word for "fullness" (Gk. "[210] Apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works". Jesus also proved Himself to be God through His many signs and wonders. [157] Jehovah's Witnesses believe that being "anointed" involves a personal revelation by God's spirit which "gives positive assurance of adoption" to the individual alone. [201] Apostate behavior is said to include the rejection of biblical teachings or requirements, the rejection of Jehovah's organization, association with or support for another religious group[202] and celebration of religious holidays. Below are 10 facts about this group which branched off from orthodox Christianity in the late 1800's. The Trinity. They only see Jehovah as being God. Is the number one destination for online dating with more . [193][199], Jehovah's Witnesses claim the purpose of denying fellowship to a wrongdoer safeguards the congregation's moral and spiritual cleanliness and protects its name. 1. [182] The Society's publications make no explicit claim about whether small children or the mentally ill will survive, but say God's judgment will be righteous and merciful. Three distinct Persons, yet one God. Jehovah's Witnesses By: Addison Tucker What is a Jehovah Witness? Does the Bible Mention What to Give Up for Lent? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Bible is a good . Jehovah's Witnesses believe God is the Creator and Supreme Being. They think the Holy Spirit is an "impersonal force" and not actually God and Lord Himself. [137] Based on this, they believe that parables such as that of "the rich man and Lazarus" should not be interpreted literally, and that such references are speaking of symbolic death, not the physical death of actual individuals. Jehovahs Witnesses do not believe Jesus is God, which means they do not place faith in Christ as their Savior and Lord. An elder, one of the group's leaders, anxiously shares an . Sharing in disaster relief.Acts 11:27-30. People who die pass out of existence. [115][116], The Watch Tower Society teaches a combination of gap creationism and day-age creationism, with an extended period between the initial creation of the universe and the subsequent 'creative days' in relation to the earth, which are said to have taken "thousands of years". Individuals who do not place faith in Christ are not annihilated. Jehovah's Witnesses try to remain politically neutral. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims and others say Jesus was merely a human prophet, an angel, or some other created being. 5 things you should know, 10 Things You Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic Church: History, Tradition & Beliefs, Mormons: The Church of Latter Day Saints & Their Beliefs, United Methodist Church: History & Beliefs, The Pentecostal Church: History & Beliefs, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Looking for jehovah's witnesses in which is a guy for true love in the right. What is the condition of the dead? The Jehovahs Witnesses believe Jesus is a lesser god, but not the God of the universe. This is an erroneous view of salvation because salvation is only by placing faith in Jesus by believing that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again (John 3:16-17: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). This is an erroneous belief because Jesus was physically resurrected from the grave. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is a lesser "god," but not the God of the universe. Help them understand the truth of the Bible and how the Jehovahs Witnesses' beliefs do not align with the truth of Gods Word. My interests include staying up late and taking naps. Photo courtesy: Thinkstock/kevinschreiber, Similar to their view of Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe the Holy Spirit is equal with the Father. [77][85] The use of his personal name is regarded as vital for true worship,[86] and Witnesses usually preface the term God with the name Jehovah. [94] While on earth, Jesus was executed as a sacrifice to atone for mankind's sins, becoming the "eternal father" to the human family. They believe and teach that Jesus was then recreated by the Father in spirit form, and before going to heaven . [167][168] They believe that when Jesus became king, Satan was ousted from heaven to the earth, bringing a period of "woe" to mankind. They affirm that GodJehovahis the most high. One who has been baptized as a JW and is still loyal to the organization. Lutheran History & Beliefs. The Watch Tower Society publishes millions of books, tracts, recordings, and periodicals in more than 700 languages. 9. [195] Watch Tower publications define three different types of defection. Per current Watchtower doctrine, society members are "modern day servants of Jehovah, a people intent on living in the light of . [1][2][3] Since 1976, all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses,[4] a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters. Their religion, unlike Mormonism, isn't an esoteric one with secret doctrines known only to an initiated few. What Is Protestantism & Why Is it Important? [44][45] The organization is said to be theocratic, "ruled from the divine Top down, and not from the rank and file up". While their practices broke with the Adventists . Some of the distinct beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses set this religion apart from other Christian denominations, such as limiting the number of people who will go to heaven to 144,000, denying the Trinity doctrine, and rejecting the traditional Latin cross. Well-wishes made on a person's birthday were historically meant to ward off evil spirits that are non-canonical to the Witnesses' theology; secondarily, they . These comparisons all point to the impersonal nature of the holy spirit.". Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative[13] and "spokesman" for God's "faithful and discreet slave class",[14][15][16][17] a limited number of "anointed" Jehovah's Witnesses. As Jehovah's Witnesses returned to knocking on doors this month after a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, here's a quick look at the history, beliefs and worldwide reach of the organization . [121][122] The Society teaches that the first human, Adam, was created in 4026 BCE. They believe it is God's will to "abstain from blood" (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10;. They deny that are about things in 2003, all of recreation or easter. [70] Jehovah's Witnesses consider the Bible to be scientifically and historically accurate and reliable[71] and interpret much of it literally, while also accepting it contains much symbolism. [105][106] They believe that demons were originally angels who rebelled against God and took Satan's side in the controversy. We may remember them as the people who often come to our homes in order to evangelize, but do we actually know what they believe? According to their website, "Jehovah is the personal name of God, as found in the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian religious sect rooted in the Adventist movement of the late 1800s in the United States. They wish to share the literature with the people and will then offer to bring a Bible study to their home. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that the rest of humanity will live forever on a paradise earth. | Zavada, Jack. Individuals who are inactive discontinue their preaching work and distance themselves from the congregation. This, of course, is a major diversion from orthodox Christianity. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, which makes sense when you remember that they don't believe Jesus is equal to God. [95], They believe that after his death, Jesus appeared to his disciples, convinced them of his resurrection, and then ascended into heaven to sit at Jehovah's right hand until he would become the promised king of God's heavenly kingdom. [129], Witnesses regard the soul as mortal, based on the statement at Ezekiel 18:4 that "the soul that sins, it shall die" (MKJV)[130] and thus believe the soul does not continue to live after one dies. Trinity - Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs reject the doctrine of the Trinity. Jehovah's Witnesses are a religious group with more than eight million members around the world. The "identifying marks" of apostates are said to include attempts to gain followers, disregard for the Witnesses' preaching activity, rejection of God's visible organization, public criticism of other Witnesses and attempts to hinder their work. There are concerns that those who seek high education will become distracted from their preaching work by material advancement and success. A Jehovah's Witness must become worthy of salvation. [51] Watch Tower Society publications urge Witnesses to demonstrate loyalty to the organization without dissent,[52][53] even at the cost of family ties. The Kingdom of God. Despite widespread excitement over a cure, Jehovah's Witnesses contend that a plasma-based solution would be a gross violation of their beliefs. [104], Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan was originally a perfect angel who developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship that belonged to God. [56], Disagreement with the Watch Tower Society's concept of God's organization, figured prominently in events that led to a 1980 purge of high-level members at the group's Brooklyn headquarters. Members believe that, 3 years after 1914, Jesus came to "inspect and cleanse" the Watchtower Society, choosing it as the only organization . In Germany prior to World War II, the Nazis sent Witnesses to concentration camps, and Witnesses were also persecuted in Britain, Canada, and the United States. While many Jehovahs Witnesses will tell you they have faith in Jesus, they have a wrong view of having faith in Jesus. [46] Witnesses teach that people must choose between God's organization and Satan's. They also don't celebrate other national holidays or birthdays in an attempt to remain separate from the world. Zavada, Jack. [166] As such, the Second Coming is considered an invisible presence, lasting for an extended period of time, and ending with Jesus' "coming" to separate the Sheep and the Goats. The Jehovah's Witness must do God's will the rest of his life to be saved. [143][144][145] According to Watch Tower Society theology, salvation requires Christ's mediation as part of God's purpose to grant humans everlasting life, either in heaven (for 144,000 "anointed" Christians, or the "little flock") or on earth (for the "other sheep", the remainder of faithful humanity). I'm still here, and I'm still the . Therefore, the Holy Spirit is not just an impersonal force as the Jehovahs Witnesses believe. The Lord wants you to come to Him and trust in Him as your Savior and Lord. [38][39][40][41] Members who promote privately developed teachings contrary to those of the Governing Body may be expelled and shunned. JWs claim that Jesus was not divine and that the Holy Spirit is an " active force " and not a person. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World NewslettersPressDonateMy Account Read our research on: Congress| Economy| COVID-19 Research Topics The Meaning of Angel Numbers: Are They Biblical or Demonic? Buddhist Patients and Health Care: Nine Practical Points for non-Buddhist Providers. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is the Christian's duty to remain "neutral" during warfare. In addition to denying the divinity of Jesus, Jehovahs Witnesses also deny the Trinity. Satan and his demons are said to have been cast down from heaven to the earth in 1914, marking the beginning of the "last days". No more than four-in-ten members of the group belong to any one racial and ethnic background: 36% are white, 32% are Hispanic, 27% are black and 6% are another race or mixed race. [11] Witnesses refer to all their beliefs collectively as "the Truth". It is important that as a future healthcare provider, you have some background knowledge about the medical beliefs among prominent religions in the United States in the likely event that one of your future patients follows them. She was convinced she'd lost me and that I'd be changed for ever now, no longer the daughter she'd always loved and cherished. The translators of The New World Translation were: Nathan Knorr, Albert Schroeder, George Gangas, Fred Franz, M. Basically, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their own members will survive Armageddon, and live on earth after everyone else dies in the day of destruction. (Matthew 10:8; 23:8) We do not practice tithing, and no collections are ever taken at our meetings. [176][177] Witnesses teach that in 1918, Jesus resurrected those of the 144,000 (the "anointed") who had already died to heavenly life; since 1918, any "anointed" are individually resurrected to heavenly life at the time of their death to serve as kings alongside Christ in his heavenly government. They say that God's Kingdom (mentioned (thy Kingdom come) in the Lord's prayer) will restore God's original purpose for the Earth: bringing about peace for . WHO ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? Those with an earthly hope are said to be beneficiaries of that covenant. Each Witness makes decisions in harmony with his or her own Bible-trained conscience.Romans 14:1-4; Hebrews 5:14. In the 1870s Russell organized the Watchtower Society, which directs, administers, and disseminates all doctrine. | Vivian Brickerloves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. [183] After Armageddon, Satan will be cast into an abyss and unable to influence humanity, then God will extend his heavenly kingdom to include earth,[184][185] which will be transformed into a paradise similar to the Garden of Eden. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Jehovah's Witnesses are a people of faith that many of us likely don't know that much about. [9][10] All members of the denomination are expected to take an active part in preaching. The Lord also demonstrated Himself to be physically raised from the dead because His disciples touched Him, and Thomas placed his hands and fingers into Jesus wounds (Matthew 28:9; John 20:27-29). This judgment will begin with the destruction by the United Nations of false religion, which they identify as "Babylon the Great", or the "harlot", of Revelation 17. We are organized into congregations, each of which is overseen by a body of elders. If you have further questions about the beliefs of Jehovahs Witnesses, you can read more about us on our website, contact one of our offices, attend a meeting at a Kingdom Hall near you, or speak to one of the Witnesses in your area. [88] Because no other religion uses the name Jehovah with the same prevalence, they believe that only Jehovah's Witnesses are making God's name known. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that rejecting the teachings or instructions of the leaders means to reject God himself. Work is carried out throughout the world by more than eight million Witnesses. God will bring billions back from death by means of a resurrection. [180] This will mark the beginning of the great tribulation. [68][69], The entire Protestant canon of scripture is seen as the inspired, inerrant word of God. christopher dudley obituary,