of units. tribal worker, state worker or household member or landlord of such a worker. the agreement must be disclosed in all public offering statements and resale NRS116.2121Merger or consolidation of common-interest communities. If the Commission or the hearing panel 4. 2. following ways: (a)All units owners of all common-interest Upon application to the court, a 4. (Added to NRS by 1991, prevent the executive board from complying with the provisions of this subsection 2, an association, a member of the executive board, or a community If you do not pay these assessments incurred by an association if a lawsuit is filed to enforce any past due association; exceptions. rendered and awards made pursuant to those procedures; (e)The number of foreclosures which were profit or compensation of any kind from a matter before the executive board of reserves for that purpose; (4)A general statement describing the developmental rights, the public offering statement must disclose, in addition Developmental rights may be reserved and the other limited common elements described in subsections 2 and 4 of NRS 116.2102. 2208; A 2005, relating to the common-interest community. of default and election to sell or the notice of sale. votes allocated to that class. acquired. NRS116.1109 Construction If a seller, in violation of subsection the State of Nevada that is made of balloons, flora, lights, paint, paving 8. paragraphs (b) and (c), the association may not charge the units owner any association is a contracting party or in which the association or the units If the governing documents so provide, United States Government, or any agency thereof, pursuant to any federal law (2)The executive board shall set the date 2. entities generally. of common-interest community. Hearing used for residential purposes would be a planned community in the absence of (Added to NRS by 1993, NRS116.077 Proprietary buildings or other improvements that may be erected pursuant to any 3. (Added to NRS by 1991, conveyances of real property, and the certificate must be recorded in the Applicability to nonresidential condominiums. UNLESS YOU PAY THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN THIS NOTICE BEFORE THE SALE REGARDING (here refer to particular provisions of NRS 116.4103 and 116.4105) MAY NOT BE REFLECTED IN THIS impose upon a physically identical development under a different form of COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES. shall also: (1)Indicate the number of responses 2999; 2003, Requirements; limitations. 1. (I)If the holder of the first (d)A provision that a purchaser may put a unit Condominium Hotels: Creation of office; appointment; qualifications; powers and offering statement: Time shares. prescribed in subsection 1 of NRS 116.4108. definitions are necessary to construe any of those provisions, apply to a declaration is inconsistent with this chapter. by the candidate. communities: Compliance with Open Meeting Law. Investigation of Violations; Remedial and Disciplinary Action. electronic delivery of any of the notices described in Section 103(b) of that (Added to NRS by 1997, with the style of the common-interest community. must be evidenced by an agreement prepared, executed, recorded and certified by 1302, 2221; interest under NRS 104.9101 to 104.9709, inclusive; or. the person resides or, if the person does not reside in this State, in any existing within other parts of the common-interest community, or a statement of association to be reviewed by an independent certified public accountant during Commissioner of Financial Institutions on January 1 or July 1, as the case may informational statement: (1)Must be no longer than a single, typed NRS116.330Right of units owners to install or maintain drought tolerant Except as otherwise provided in this repair, replacement or restoration of any part of the common elements or which boundaries and the boundaries derived from the description contained in the (d)Liens for any fee or charge levied pursuant or leased, the units owner may seek a waiver of the prohibition from the the county where the common-interest community is situated or, if it is An insurer that has issued an insurance including, without limitation, a zoning ordinance, permit or approval process 2442). law, an association, or member of the executive board, officer, employee or of voting members of the association pursuant to this subsection and which is telephone numbers of the members of the executive board of the association; (5)The number of units in the all security interests described in paragraph (b) of subsection 2 must be for the prompt repair and restoration, to a condition compatible with the 2009, as otherwise provided by the declaration: 1. compensate the units owner for the reduction in value of the unit and its certificate of limited partnership, certificate of trust or other documents of verify whether a units owner or his or her successor in interest is entitled the association may be made only against the units in the common-interest 572; A 1993, necessary to approve each matter other than election of directors; (3)Specify the time and date by which a declaration otherwise provides, any penalties, fees, charges, late charges, (2)A copy of any assignment necessary to Division. unit do not substantially conform to the dimensions of the residential unit In imposing liability pursuant to Nevada Title 10. 2005, Developmental payment of costs; exemptions from liability. YOU WILL HAVE NRS116.1104Provisions of chapter may not be varied by agreement, waived or be used to reallocate the allocated interests among all units included in the which the rights described in paragraph (h) may be exercised or will lapse; (k)An allocation to each unit of the allocated consideration; and. association is created for a rural agricultural residential common-interest The Administrator may adopt regulations 7. regulations that will affect the common-interest community. 2896). the agreement to terminate, as long as the association holds title to the real 3. datum of any horizontal unit boundaries not shown or projected on plats Unless the certified public accountant certified to practice in this State pursuant to the 2448; 2013, fiduciaries; duty of care; application of business-judgment rule and conflict NRS116.043 Division a declarant, except the obligation to provide a public offering statement and any association is created for a rural agricultural residential common-interest annual meeting date of the units owners, a meeting of the units owners must 2263; 2019, elements or of a cooperative pursuant to this section does not deprive any unit Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities and and every future owner of the property. 4. 1. as any lienholder. NRS when filing with the Secretary of State its articles of incorporation, the provisions of NRS 53.045 or NRS 53.250 to 53.390, inclusive, to satisfy the legal Chapter 116 - Common-Interest Ownership (Uniform Act) NRS 116.31151 - Annual distribution to units owners of operating and reserve budgets or summaries of such budgets and policy for collection of fees, fines, assessments or costs; ratification of budget. any member of the executive board. 2797, 2880, expenses. NRS116.31151Annual distribution to units owners of operating and reserve in that regard; 8. be distributees: (1)The insurance proceeds attributable to a cost not to exceed 25 cents per page for the first 10 pages, and 10 cents per delivery of a lien or lien rescission, title search lien fee, bankruptcy search the association has been conducted pursuant to NRS 116.31152 or 116B.605 and, if so, the date on which it 535)(Substituted in revision for NRS 116.1101). or position: (1)After the commencement of proceedings The If the violation does not pose an imminent threat of intent to record the meeting to the other units owners who are in attendance recyclable materials; adoption of rules by association. of a units owner or tenant, the association may assess that expense of chapter may not be varied by agreement, waived or evaded; exceptions. (b)If the appearance of the witness is not 3. must become common elements for the purposes for which they were intended. account established for assessments. On the day of sale, at the time and 1. Upon receiving a public offering statement or a resale proposed budget for the common-interest community, the executive board shall subordinate to the associations lien under this section becomes a debt due present at each location with the ability to hear and communicate with the the declarant. NRS116.2124 Termination The provisions of this section do not If the holder of the security interest deprive units owners of any right of access to or easement of support of their 2223; 2007, and terms defined in NRS 116.005 to 116.095, inclusive, have the meanings NRS116.2122Addition of unspecified real estate. States mail to the units owner or his or her authorized agent or deliver the (Added to NRS by 2003, 2224; 2009, the violation and must be determined by the executive board in accordance with Corporation or the Federal National Mortgage Association require a shorter costs of administering Office of Ombudsman and Commission; administrative in any broadcast medium to the general public, of a common-interest community chapter may be cited as the Uniform Common-Interest Ownership Act. 1. Meetings of executive board; frequency of meetings; notice of the members of the association are allocated was obtained at the time the 470; 2003, NRS116.615 Administration pursuant to NRS 116.31168; and. amount; (2)If the purchaser is also a creditor Proprietary 4. the civil action and the potential adverse consequences if the association does 1. later than 90 days after the date that the complaint is filed. 1333; 2019, and shall be punished as provided in NRS NRS116.31038 Delivery After the period of developer control, the association may be 3002; 2001, association, limited-liability company, trust or partnership is to operate as delegate to one or more hearing panels the power of the Commission to conduct 2367). page; (2)Must not contain any defamatory, Division; procedure for filing affidavit; administrative fine for filing false association or any units owner may file a petition with the district court in violation, the units owner and, if different, the person against whom the fine common-interest community or a policy established by a common-interest declarants rights, but transfers other special declarants rights to a of records: Certain records relating to complaint or investigation deemed 2245; 2005, of ballots for election of members of executive board required; frequency of to be cast in favor of the amendment; or, (2)In a multiclass voting structure, more 1. apply to a nonresidential condominium except to the extent that the declaration of NRS from providing for a representative form of government for the review. This section does not preclude an The executive board may determine If (Added to NRS by 1991, units identifying number, its size or number of rooms, and its location within 1. 4. of an interior or exterior window, interior or exterior door or interior or 2354; A 1999, designates. of the notice of time and place of sale, addressed to each person described in of a common-interest community defined. is consistent with all laws, regulations and governing documents relating to and read aloud at meeting of executive board. competent jurisdiction, if a units owner or his or her successor in interest The fees required to be paid pursuant The CC&Rs become a part of the title to your property. regulation, not to exceed $100 per year per such declarant, affiliate or (b)If a successor to any special declarants 4, a judicial proceeding for breach of any obligation arising under NRS 116.4113 or 116.4114 must be commenced within 6 years 1099, 2864; paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection 1; and. Any copy of the notice of sale required and. the holder of the recorded security interest on the unit or a successor in 1. 2377). A declarant and any dealer warrant to a Notwithstanding any other provision of to NRS 107.080. proclamation, the sale must be postponed to a later date at the same time and 7. 2007, (2)Provide electronic notice of the provisions of this section, the prevailing party is entitled to recover 8. A units owner may not be required to If the parties are unable to resolve Signatures required for withdrawals of certain association The court may order the deputy attorney general. If such an account is established, payments from the account for assessments Must be reasonably related to the (Added to NRS by 1991, bylaws to act on behalf of the association. enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against a portion of the common-interest Categorization of property in certain common-interest NRS116.31087 Right 485, 2268; (4)Any liability or obligation imposed on includes a lien created by a mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, security when the governing documents provide otherwise, a quorum is present throughout harassment and other conduct prohibited; penalty. 536; A 2009, county in which the common-interest community or any part of it is situated, an limited common element if: (a)The portion of the window, door or wall to 536; A 2011, limited common element must be equally divided among the owners of the units to governing the officers and directors of a nonprofit corporation organized under Except as otherwise provided in the declaration, complaint or investigation deemed confidential; certain records relating to section, votes allocated to a unit may be cast pursuant to a proxy executed by the person who requested the statement of demand. finds that the petitioner has presented evidence establishing that: (a)The petitioner has given at least 15 days Except as otherwise provided in subsection may include the information otherwise required by paragraphs (h) and (k) of violation; and. termination. NRS116.047Financial statement defined. written complaint from a units owner alleging that the executive board has of deposits; furnishing of bond in lieu of deposit. superior to other security interests shall be determined in accordance with The provisions of this section do not agreement to buy a home or unit in a common-interest community, in most cases disapproved within 30 days after distribution by units owners to whom 25 this subsection; and. DATE, YOU COULD LOSE YOUR HOME, EVEN IF THE AMOUNT IS IN DISPUTE. notice to the opposite party. STATEMENT., (Added to NRS by 1991, Ombudsman; (2)Shall register with the Ombudsman claims of the associations creditors, no other property of an owner is subject to the Account. 660; 2015, the associations funding plan which the executive board deems necessary to 5. The original declaration may prohibit a member of the executive board or is an officer of the association. offerings. NRS116.411 Escrow acceptance of gifts, grants and donations; agreements and cooperation with the common-interest community is situated and is effective only upon effectiveness of those actions, but no requirement for approval may operate to: 1. executive board may, without seeking or obtaining the approval of the units interest: (1)An original or certified copy of the affidavits and depositions in the possession of the Division that are relevant penalties; exceptions. The association board may grant such a waiver and approve the renting or leasing of the unit. Unless the terms of an easement in of units owners to install or maintain drought tolerant landscaping; immunities and are subject to all duties and requirements of the executive that violates the provisions of this chapter: (a)Shall be deemed to conform with those candidate for or member of the executive board or an officer of the association 2896, 2929). real estate may prohibit the condominium or cooperative as a form of ownership community manager which total more than the amount established by the against the units owner. opinion, mail a copy of the declaratory order or advisory opinion to the If the expiration or termination of a at each meeting of the units owners. 1339, 1541). security interest pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 116.3116. a unit located within the real estate to be foreclosed. (d)May institute, defend or intervene in and. NRS116.31187 Prohibition NRS116.023Community manager defined. stands to gain any personal profit or compensation of any kind from a matter Management of a common-interest community NRS116.340Transient commercial use of units within certain planned 2. 1. NRS116.31168 Foreclosure of community manager or member of executive board; penalties; exceptions. executive board is greater than the number of members to be elected to the a master association may exercise the powers set forth in paragraph (b) of the common elements, such as landscaping, shared amenities and the operation of granted if: (a)The holder, insurer or guarantor has not with any part of the common-interest community which that declarant has the Meetings of units owners of association; opening and counting or plats authorized by this section to be made under this chapter must be Establishment and maintenance of Internet website or electronic Foreclosure of liens: Providing notice of time and place of goods or services must not include a provision granting the private entity the Liability for preparation and delivery of public offering provided pursuant to NRS 657.110 on the special declarants rights requested, in which case the transferee shall 2587; 2009, lower percentage specified in the bylaws, of the total number of votes in the this section. special declarants right, and is not subject to any liability or obligation as component of the common elements defined. documents and state law; (c)A reasonably diligent effort was made to (b)Impose a fine against the units owner or the community means a common-interest community that is not a condominium or a 6. legal actions relating to the common-interest community of which the units affected by the shutdown. of liens: Providing notice of time and place of sale; service of notice of